Thursday, July 25, 2013

Narrative text pendek


One day, a couple of rabbit named Kiko and Ciki were sitting on the edge of the lake. They were holding hands and fell silent. At that time Ciki asked a question to Ciko.
“Do you really love me Kiko?”
“Of course my dear,” answered Kiko.
“I want to hear it from you Kiko, not because you said it just when I asked to you,” Ciki looks sad.
“Hmm, I think I should not be like that Ciki,” Kiko answered.
“Why not Kiko? I just want you, to say that you love me. Just it, why it seems difficult? ,” asked Ciki again.
“But, I cannot do that Ciki,” answered Kiko
Ciki started to cry. She thinks that Kiko didn’t love she. He was just playing and never serious.“So, you don’t love me Kiko!” Shouted Ciki. 
Kiko still silent and stared to the lake. Ciki let the tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Why? Why are you do this to me?” asked Ciki with the tears on her face. 
“Do you really want to know it Ciki?” asked Kiko finally
“Of course Kiko!,” Shouted she. 
Kiko grabbed her shoulders and hugged her tightly. Kissed her forehead and whispered on her ear.
“Because, those three words are not enough to express how much I love you Ciki,”
Love. Never enough with three words ‘I Love You’. Believe it, love is more than that.

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