One day, a couple of rabbit named Kiko and Ciki were sitting on the edge of the lake. They were holding hands and fell silent. At that time Ciki asked a question to Ciko.
“Do you really love me Kiko?”
“Of course my dear,” answered Kiko.
“I want to hear it from you Kiko, not because you said it just when I asked to you,” Ciki looks sad.
“Hmm, I think I should not be like that Ciki,” Kiko answered.
“Why not Kiko? I just want you, to say that you love me. Just it, why it seems difficult? ,” asked Ciki again.
“But, I cannot do that Ciki,” answered Kiko
Ciki started to cry. She thinks that Kiko didn’t love she. He was just playing and never serious.